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The Caretaker Gazette
Privacy Policy

Information is accessible only by the staff at The Caretaker Gazette designated to handle online requests. We will never sell, trade or rent your personal information. All The Caretaker Gazette agents and contractors with access to personal information obtained from The Caretaker Gazette Web sites are also bound to adhere to this policy.

Personal Information that The Caretaker Gazette May Collect Online
The Caretaker Gazette collects the following types of personal information: names, postal and e-mail addresses, phone and facsimile numbers, business type, payment info and comments.

The Caretaker Gazette does not collect or maintain information from those actually known to be under the age of 13, and no part of our sites are structured to attract anyone under the age of 13.

How The Caretaker Gazette Uses Personal Information Collected Online
We will not use your personal information for any purpose other than that for which it is submitted. We use personal information to process subscriptions and reply to inquiries.

How Your Information May Be Shared
When we receive a request or inquiry, we forward the request or inquiry to the appropriate department within The Caretaker Gazette. By sending us a request or inquiry, you are allowing us to forward your information to the appropriate department, if necessary.
We never sell, trade or rent your personal information.

Help Us Keep Your Personal Information Accurate
If your personal information changes or you would like to review the personal information we may have on file, please e-mail us with the new information or use our online form to submit a change of your personal information.

If you have a complaint about The Caretaker Gazette compliance with this privacy policy, you may contact us at

May 2003

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